Chapter 2 of the Vampire Coven: Picking on Sims that are weaker than you


Ah, throwing up outside of your lover's house at 4am while his wife and daughter watch is really a quintessential experience of being pregnant. 

And our first Fledgling is born! Sarah got the wish to turn Chester Swain here into a vampire so I figured why not? I have plans for Bailey anyway so this works for me. 

Bailey doesn't seem to approve. Well, Bailey, you're 17 years old, your opinion doesn't matter right now. I would also try to get on Sarah's good side if I were you. 


In order to level up his vampire skill, Dante tracked down his greatest enemy: Pappy Wolff, to intimidate him, which, of course, lead to a fight. I think it was a draw because they got up at the same time. Maybe you should work on your athletic skills first, Dante. 

I stand corrected. 

Apparently beating up an old man has given Dante the confidence to try it with Sarah....who is pregnant with his child....and could easily kill him, but go off then, Dante. 

Never mind, Sarah is into that. 

Dante looks super proud of their son, Dorian. I really hope that Dorian got Dante's cheekbones, whew! Sarah, as usual, does not seem to be that enthused about having a baby.

"I'm sick of there always being babies around, okay. I just want to write books and drink wine." 
I promise, you're almost done and no more babies. 

And thus Dorian Durand was born. He's a genius that hate the outdoors, which is perfect for a vampire. His favorite music is classical, he loves egg rolls, and the color orange. He has Sarah's hair color and a skin that seems between Dante's and Sarah's, but look closer to Dante's. 

Surprisingly, Sarah actually seems to like him? She has always ignored her kids, in both versions of her, so I'm absolutely shocked that she's autonomously taking care of Dorian. 

"I dunno, I kind of like his squishy face."

I'm really happy that I don't have to force you to take care of your children for once.

Dante and Sarah are an extremely loving couple and they are usually woohooing or reading together, which is adorable. 

"Dante just gets me, you know? I've never been with someone that really, truly understands me." Aww, that's so sweet, Sarah!
"Sarah is really hot." Oh, okay, Dante. "Okay, but seriously, I can't keep my hands off of her. She's amazing! She also makes killer wine." Better.


Sometime later and Bailey Swain is finally a Young Adult, which means Sarah headed over to ask her to move in. Bailey is going to be the plasma donator for the two vamps! I chose her for a few reasons, namely, I think that it's ironic. Also, she's a Supernatural Fan and doesn't mind this arrangement at all. If either Dante or Sarah (or any kids) ever get the wish to turn her into a vampire, she'll become a Fledgling and will be eligible to move up in the ranks, but until then, she mostly just gardens and cleans the house for the vampires, and does anything that needs to be done during the day that they can't do (or just don't want to). If Bailey ever meets someone and wants to have a relationship, she's free to do so, and can even move out some day if she'd like, however, she really loves supernatural Sims so I don't really see her wanting to!

Bailey really doesn't seem to mind this at all, although I'm sure she'd rather they bit her and turned her into a vampire too. 


Things in the Durand household were pretty quiet and Dorian aged up to a toddler. He's so stinking cute! I think he got Dante's jawline, which is great news. He's a quiet kid and learned all of his toddler skills fairly quickly. It helps that for once, Sarah actually got wishes to teach toddler skills, too. 

Their day to day life mostly consists of drinking, woohooing, playing with Dorian, or reading, since Dante's vampire skills are still low and he can't go outside for more than an hour during the day. It's taking him awhile to learn the skill since he also needs to learn the Athletic skill for his job in the Criminal career, but he does work on it occasionally. 

Sarah, could you not drink? You're pregnant again.

"I am not! There is NO way!"

You and Dante woohoo at least 3 times a day, why would this news ever surprise you?

"I think I'd know if I were pregnant."

"Oh, I'm pregnant," she says just before woohooing with Dante for the 5th time today. How are you surprised? Honestly, you two can not keep your hands off of each other. 

"I can't help it, Dante is just really attractive!"

Bailey agrees with Sarah about this, because she also can't keep her hands off Dante. They keep flirting with each other and I've had to lock Bailey out of any rooms they can woohoo in to stop them from trying every time Sarah leaves the room. I ended up building a basement area for Bailey with all the essentials, and locked her out of the main house because it was getting so bad, haha.  

"Remember, Dorian, never commit to anyone, life is full of possibilities!" 
I really don't think you should be teaching him that, he's 2 years old. 

I think Dorian might have a few issues when he grows up lol.

Of ALL the pregnancy tops you could have chosen, you picked the ONE top that is incorrectly categorized. 

"It makes me look skinnier."
You're 7 months pregnant, you don't need to look skinny. 

Since Sarah is already pregnant, she took this opportunity to get her last woohoo with a different Sim out of the way, and chose this LLAMA to do it. She immediately threw up after. 

With that woohoo done, she's picked a new LTW to Turn The Town, which if she accomplishes, good on her, but this is her 4th LTW so I'm not too concerned about her completing it. 

The other vampires around town don't seem to like the mod I'm using, and can't figure out why they can't go outside for more than an hour before passing out. They're quite lucky that they won't die from this, since I've turned that off for non-actives. I keep seeing them go out and then immediately pass out or burst into flames lol. You'd think they'd learn their lesson after the first time, but nope.

Back at home, Bailey works on the garden some more and seems to really enjoy being around. 

Dante also got a work opportunity to learn Martial Arts, so he's started working on that, too. 

Halfway through his session with the training dummy, Sarah goes into labor. 

It's a girl! I promised Sarah that if she had a girl, she could be done with having kids forever and I guess she was listening. The baby's name is Sybil Durand and she's a bookworm that can't stand art. It looks like she has her dad's black hair and skintone. 

"Mmmm, you look so good carrying my baby."

"Don't even look at me, Dante, I'm sick of being pregnant." I really wouldn't mess with her if I were you, Dante.

"Remember when we had easy access to Plasma and it came in these little cardboard containers with silly straws?"
"Ugh, I miss just being able to grab it from the fridge and go. Bailey is great but she just kind of stares through the window at us all day."

Sarah seems to have finally come around on the idea of having kids, because she's suddenly an amazing mom that loves playing with her children. 

"Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
"Mama, stop it! Hehe!"

They're so frickin cute, I can't stand it. 

Dante was invited to Alice Fitzgerald's party, but she started insulting him, which lead to him insulting her. Honestly, I'm just surprised that she didn't kick him out immediately after.

You're so scary, Dante, really. Very intimidating. I think she was into it though because she still didn't make him leave, instead he played guitar terribly for a few hours before heading home. 

Is this bringing back any memories for you, Sarah?

"I had an entire life before I was brought back. I was a renowned explorer, I traveled the world multiple times and had a vast collections of ancient, rare artifacts. I had a family, children, a loving husband. I watched my great grandchildren grow up."

Well, you did cheat on your husband a lot. Most of your kids weren't even his and he had no idea. You even had a baby with Don Lothario, of all people! 

"I had just moved in! He was cute! I didn't know!"

That's how he gets em, Sarah. Maybe at some point you'll get to travel again, it's definitely possible, so don't lose hope just yet.

In her grief, Sarah turns to the bottle. I supposed she's forgotten that she has around 20k Simoleans worth of wine in the garage.

"I didn't forget, I just want the cheap stuff that'll get the job done fast."

Well, if it'll help, I guess. 

"Oh, it's helping." 

"I can't even remember any of my first children's names anymore, but at least I have you and your brother, Sybil." 

A few blurry days later and Sybil ages up into a toddler. She has all of her dad's coloring and probably his jaw too. She's absolutely adorable! While Sarah still isn't entirely sober, at least she seems to be having a good time at the birthday party. Dorian will be aging up soon after and Dante wants to have a party, which I am absolutely sure will go very well. 


Things are still pretty quiet in the Durand house, but that's to be expected when everyone is at work or taking care of toddlers. I do have a story in mind, but it requires the kids to be older to really begin so for now, they're just going about their lives. Sarah is obsessed with the bar lately and Dante is usually sleeping or at work. Bailey is still locked out of the house for now, but she has everything she needs in her basement lol. She's also keeping up with the garden, which is great because it frees Sarah up to do literally anything else. So far, neither Dante or Sarah have wished to turn Bailey, so she remains a human. I don't think anyone is going to wish to turn her, sadly, so she's probably going to stay human. Her father, however, is still around and is getting married to a MacDuff. Hopefully he has another baby so that the Swain name sticks around.

I had originally intended for Dante to be a lot more intimidating and mean since he's mean spirited, but he's such a dork that I can't see him as anything else. I think the tiger face paint when Sarah first met him is what sealed the "Doofus" status for him. 

I'm a little disappointed that neither kid got more of Sarah's skintone, but I don't want her to have 6 kids just to have 1 that does. Even when I played her the first time, her only child that got her skintone was one she had with a guy from Egypt that had a similar tone. There's something about her exact range that never seems to be passed down. 

Next time, Dorian will be aging up, hopefully Dante gets another promotion, and Sarah...well, she'll probably still be drinking. 


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